课堂之外:如何在家营造英语语言环境 17 7 月, 2023 没有评论 Creating an English language environment at home is essential for language learning. Immersion in the language is key to developing… 阅读更多
成功的基本知识:学习英语如何为您的孩子创造光明的未来 9 7 月, 2023 没有评论 In today’s globalized world, learning English is essential for success. English is the language of business, science, and technology, and… 阅读更多
养育双语儿童:平衡两种语言的技巧和策略 2 7 月, 2023 没有评论 Raising bilingual children can be a challenge, but it is also a great opportunity for children to develop language skills… 阅读更多
游戏的力量:将基于游戏的学习融入孩子的英语课程中 30 6 月, 2023 没有评论 perience. Play-based learning is a teaching approach that uses games, activities, and other playful techniques to teach new knowledge and… 阅读更多
搭建桥梁:学习英语如何促进文化理解和同理心 29 6 月, 2023 没有评论 In today’s interconnected world, cultural understanding and empathy are more important than ever. Learning English can be a powerful tool… 阅读更多
为什么从小学习英语很重要:通向全球机遇的门户 17 6 月, 2023 没有评论 As the world becomes increasingly connected, the ability to speak English has become a valuable asset for children. Learning English… 阅读更多
有趣的互动在线工具可增强您孩子的英语学习之旅 8 6 月, 2023 没有评论 5 Fun and Interactive Online Tools to Supercharge Your Child’s English Learning Journey Learning English can be a challenging but… 阅读更多
从 ABC 到流利:培养孩子英语语言技能的家长指南 2 6 月, 2023 没有评论 As parents, we want to support our children’s education and help them develop valuable skills. One of the most important… 阅读更多
学习英语如何增强孩子的脑力:语言习得背后的科学 29 5 月, 2023 没有评论 As parents, we want the best for our children, and one of the greatest gifts we can give them is… 阅读更多